Power System Operation and Control 1st Ed by Sivanagaraju
Author Name: S. Sivanagaraju, G. Sreenivasan
Edition: 1st Edition
Publisher: Pearson
Pages: 612 Pages
Size: 24.42 MB
Type: Text Book
Format: pdf
This book entitled Power System Operation and Control has been intended for use by undergraduate students in Indian universities. With a judicious mix of advanced topics, the book may also be useful for some institutions as a first course for postgraduates. The organization of this book reflects our desire to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of the basic principles and techniques of power system operation and control. Written to address the need for a text that clearly presents the concept of economic system operation in a manner that kindles interest, the topics are dealt with using a lucid approach that may benefit beginners as well as advanced learners of the subject. It has been designed as a functional aid to help students learn independently.
This book entitled Power System Operation and Control has been intended for use by undergraduate students in Indian universities. With a judicious mix of advanced topics, the book may also be useful for some institutions as a first course for postgraduates. The organization of this book reflects our desire to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of the basic principles and techniques of power system operation and control. Written to address the need for a text that clearly presents the concept of economic system operation in a manner that kindles interest, the topics are dealt with using a lucid approach that may benefit beginners as well as advanced learners of the subject. It has been designed as a functional aid to help students learn independently.
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Power System Operation and Control 1st Ed by Sivanagaraju
Reviewed by Usman Ibrahim
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